The Serve Virginia Honor Roll celebrates the valuable contributions of volunteers across the Commonwealth. In recognition of the service provided by over 1.8 million Virginians, the Serve Virginia Honor Roll spotlights the volunteers that serve their communities in a variety of ways, promoting quality of life and creating a lasting impact for others. The inaugural Honor Roll was announced in May 2023 and it continues as a bi-annual program.
The Summer 2024 Serve Virginia Honor Roll is listed below, featuring nominations from Volunteer Hampton Roads, Hanover County Department of Community Resources, Loudoun Cares, and Volunteer Alexandria, as well as institutions of higher education, such as William & Mary, Randolph-Macon College, Christopher Newport University, and the University of Richmond.
Summer 2024 Serve Virginia Honor Roll
Aaron Staggers
Abaco Cares
Abby Gerstein
Abigail Connelly
Abigail Honeycutt
Abigail Schugeld
Adam Chhipa
Adam Clyve
Adrienne Knox
Aidan Rucker
Aimee Buchanan
Alessia Ingargiola
Alex Arena
Ali Guevara
Alicia Cohen
Alisa Yang
Alison Fitzgerald
Alison Mayer
Alivia Giles
Allen Lomax
Alyson Toth
Alyssa Cleveland
Alyssa Roach
Alyssa Wilkinson
Amanda Casta
Analeigh Dacas
Anastasia Schroeder
Andria Timme
Andy McGraw
Andy Polston
Angelina Nguyen
Ann Liddle
Anna Shapiro
Anna Teekell
Annabelle Manyo-Hicks
Anne & Richard Simpson
Annika (Annie) Eng
Anthony DeTrane
Asa Townsend
ASEZ *(Save the Earth From A to Z)
Ashley Geoghegan
Atlee High School XC Squad
Auntie Advocate
Austin Schmitt
Bailey Family
Barry Epstein
Benjamin Black
Benjamin Rice
Beta Theta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
Betty Jo Zarris
Beza Mulatu
Blair Valdivieso
Bob Eiffert
Brenda Dabney Nichols
Brenden Edmonson
Brooke Coleman
Brooke Covington
Cailyn Moffitt
Caleb Elkins
Callie Davidson
Cameron Bertrand
Cameron Taylor
Camilla Nonterah
Camille Parkinson
Campbell Woods
Cara Cardotti
Caroline Dillard
Caroline Filegar
Caroline Jungers
Caroline Pollock
Caroline Pope
Charlene Jones
Chelsea Rushbrook
Chervern Kirnon
Cheyanne Rogers
China Tatum
Chloe Younce
Christine Nguyen
Christopher Mojica
Clark Levine
Claudia Ramirez Cuellar
Code Blue Technology
Colby Baker
Cole Nevins
Constance Whiteside
Corey Hess-Nelson
Corinne Ruocco
Crosby Lester
Cruz Family
Crystal Beazley
Dallas Moore
Daniela Alvarez
David Chinn
David Keegan
David Salisbury
Davy Sell
Dayman Parrish
Deatema Abdul-Latif
Deb Farrar
Deborah Bombard
Debra Moss
Dee Dee Schrader
Demian Brady
Dennis Milner
Diane Brooks
Diane Gerald
Diane Spitaliere
Dillyn Minson
Dmitri Rinaldi
Don Hurwitz
Donnie Hicks
Dorene Steadman
Douglas Davidson
Dulles Greenway Eagle Cam Team
Eileen Youngling
Elizabeth Bailey
Elizabeth Bradley
Ella McQuillan
Emery Moore
Emily Allen
Emily Barone
Emily Garloff
Emily Mandara
Emily McGovern
Emily Weinberg
Emily Yu
Emma Jean Rush
Emmaline Eskridge
Erianna Towler
Eric Weiss
Ericka Palmer
Erin Sample
Ethan Houff
Eva Brennan
Faith Altman
Faith Cummings
Fammy Nava
Federica Bono
Florence Mooney-Cotter
Fred Phelps
Friends for Awareness
Gabriel Fisher-Diehl
Gabrielle Barnes-Thomas
Gabrielle Finch
Gary Comi
Gena Laurent
Generic Theater
George Birdsong
George Kuster
Gina Pokhrel
Girls on the Run Hampton Roads
Giselle (G) Carranza Amaya
Giselle Caruso
Grace Haines
Gregory Snyder
Gretchen Weber
Hailee West
Haleigh Earsing
Hannah Duplessis
Hannah Gentrup
Hannah-Noel Arze
Hanover Christian Firewood Ministry
Hanover Community Cats
Hanover High School Orchestra Boosters
Hanover Patriots
Harold Mangold
Hayley Kindron
Heather Meador
Heather Shurm
Helen Fiske
Helen Morris
Henry Harris
Hobie Ritzel
Hugh Forsythe
Ian Cook
Isabella da Cunha
Isabelle Marinoble
Jack Perry
Jackson Reed
Jaden Spady
Jaidan Brass
Jake Barnet
Jamie Cross
Jamison Prokopik
Janet D’Angelo
Janet Fleetwood
Jara (Goddess) Clark
Jay Creech
Jean Goodman
Jennifer Lyon
Jessica Apolloni
Jessica Cruz
Jessica Deal
Jillian Hamilton
Jimmy Entas
Jo Patzig
Joe Balay
Johana Bonilla
Johnson Family
Jordan Yeager
Joshua Stokes
Judd Isbell
Judy Curran
Julia Carter
Julia Sola
Juliet Hockaday
Kamryn Fyock
Kappa Alpha Psi Dulles-Leesburg Alumni Chapter
Kara Park
Karen Streich
Karli Wilson
Kassidy Reed
Katelyn Bennett
Katelyn Bowersox
Katelyn Kenney
Katherine Foley
Katherine Wagner
Kathryn Allen
Kathy Brasse
Kathy Triplett
Katie Mitten
Kaylyn Rivera
Kelsey Hark
Kelsey Priestaf
Kendra Burlingame
Kerstin Soderlund
Kevin Anzollin
Kevin Holland
Kiara Templeton
Kori Hughes
KPB Ambassador Program
Kristin Cody
Krystal Peerman
Kyle Greber
Kyleen Moradi
Laayba Tanoli
Lance Leibler
Larry Lee
Laura Kopelson
Laura Robertson
Laura Vasel
Lauren Green
Lauren Lightfoot
Lauren Schlosser
Laurie Snarr
Lee Ann Harden
Lillian Williams
Linda Kennedy
Lindsay Miller
Lindsay Neher
Lindsey Patten
Lisa Dixon
Lisa Koon
Lisa Parker
Logan Gill
Logan Glen
Luke Blundin
Luke Dietrich
Lydia Gerk
Lydia Guirguis
Lydia Smith
Lyndsey Kegley
Lyudmila (Ludi) Avagyan
Mace Browning
Maddy Sleeter
Madeline Rawlings
Madelyn Steimer
Madison Elliott
Madison Flinn
Madison Hutto
Mahsa Riar
Margaret Traverse
Maria Lewan
Marissa Ferland
Mark Jessup
Martha Kossoff
Mary Emerick
Mary Hoppenjans
Mary Wadland
Mary Wright
MaryAnn Bier
Marybeth Cockerham
MaryElizabeth Lannon
Mattison Clift
MDSC (Mobilization and Deployment Support Command)
Medicare Counseling Team
Megan Bowers
Meghan Root
Melissa Ramsey
Melissa Visek
Mery Marsh
Metro Richmond Flying Squad
Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library Teen Advisory Group
Micah Sieck
Michael Goodman
Michael Lowry
Michele Brooks
Michelle Grau
Mike Littman
Mike Wilkins
Miranda Clarke
Mitzi Coles
Morgan Andrews
Nancy Lee
Natalie Swarm
Nayeli Mahdi
Nicholas Sousa
Nicole Freewalt
Nicole Hora
Olivia Lecker
Olivia Smalls
Pam Nelson
Pat Davis
Patricia Rodgers
Patrick Griffin
Paul Curran
Paula Morato-Callaghan
Pitney Bowes
Portsmouth Volunteers for the Homeless
Prakhya Koya
Quinchela Dent-Hess
Rachel Fitzsimmons
Rachel Ruhl
Rachel Thornton
Reagan McHugh
Rebecca Eskow
Rebecca Shipp
Reese Tunstall
Renee Cianciolo
Reuben Laryea
Rey Castillo
Richard Mobley
Richard Payne
Rob Atkinson
Rob Dutton
Robin Richard
Roger Klinker
Ryan McDonnell
Ryleigh Barnes-Thomas
Sam Gruber
Samir Godambe
Sandy Garlick
Sara Hanson
Sara Moore
Sarah Kinka
Sarah Washburn
Sasha Miller
Scott Marshall
Selah Ball
Senior ReStorers
Sensory Santa Team
Sergio Oliva Romero
Seth Caddell
Shannon O’Keefe
Shannon O’Malley
Sharayah McDonald
Shaun McGinnis
Shaundrea Miles
Sheila Green-Singleton
Shelby Awad
Sid Shaw
Sloane Gregory
Sofia Alcaine
Sofia Duque
Sophia Nelson
Soren French
South Anna Community 4-H Club
Stephanie Andrews
Stephanie Thomas
Steve Posner
Susan Mullen
Susan Pettey
Susanne Adams
Susie Walston
Suzanne Leitner-Wise
Sydney Goodman
Sydney Krol
Sydni Stock
Tabitha (Tea) Ragsdale
Tabitha Wheeler
Taiylor Russell
Talia Snyder-Romero
Teagan Gilhooly
The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia
The Guild at Covenant Woods
The Legacy of Hope Foundation
Therin Tun
Tia Tucker
Tim Scheuritzel
Tim Stanley
Timothy Jennings
Tom Barfield
Tori Huntley
Tracy Johnson
Tracy Nickelsburg
Trevor Jordan
Tyler Alberico
Tyler Hyun
Valeria Pearson
Varsha Padmanabhan
Victoria Daisey
Victoria VanHout
Victoria Zambrano
Walt Jarrett
Wegmans-Leesburg & Sterling
Wendy Butler-Mafuz
Whitney Flores
Willow Groehn
Willowsford-Aldie Girls on the Run
Yamir Chapman
Yan Wiramidjaja
Yatzari Trujillo
Yazmine Cortez
Young Investors Group
Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads
Zachary Collins
Zephyr Hall
Zoe Alhanati
The next Serve Virginia Honor Roll will be released in January 2025 and will include individuals and organizations recognized from June-December 2024.
To be eligible for inclusion on the Serve Virginia Honor Roll, an individual or group must be nominated for a local or statewide community service or volunteerism award.
How do I submit names for the Honor Roll?
Virginia organizations with a volunteerism or community service awards program may submit the individuals and groups they would like to see recognized on the Honor Roll on a rolling basis throughout the year. Lists of names and contact e-mails for the Honor Roll nominee can be sent to
How often is the Honor Roll announced?
The Honor Roll is announced twice a year, in June and in January.
What’s Your Volunteer Personality?
Pair your passion with purpose. Take our Volunteer Personality Quiz and find out which volunteer direction is best for you.