On September 11, our country marks the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks that rocked our country. As we reflect on that moment in our history, we will honor the victims, first responders, and citizens who stood up to serve our nation through military service with tributes, memorial services, and volunteer service. Since 2001, millions of Americans have come together with a common purpose to honor 9/11 and commemorate the tragedy through volunteer service. Together, they represent a shared belief that by neighbor helping neighbor, we can make our country stronger and better for decades to come. This year we encourage you to join this American tradition and help your community by participating in the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. For additional information on 9/11 Day projects and opportunities, visit 911.org and Youth Service America.
Ideas for Service Projects
- Collect school supplies and deliver them to a local school (make sure to discover what they need first. COVID may have changed what schools need.).
- Sign up to serve or deliver meals to those at risk of hunger.
- Work with a local food bank or pantry to collect or deliver donations.
- Sign up to be a mentor or tutor.
- Beautify a local park or community space – fall is a good time to plant trees and spring blooming bulbs.
- Arrange a virtual visit to a senior citizen center or send cards to residents/clients of a senior center.
- Check with your local fire station and see if you can organize a fall clean up or serve them a meal while observing local restrictions for COVID-19.
- Arrange a virtual visit to a veterans’ center. You can also check with the center to see if they need personal care items and launch a collection drive.
- Join your neighbors for a virtual meeting to assess your community's disaster preparedness and take steps to support improvements. Find more information at Ready.gov.
- Add a moment of silence to your project to honor 9/11 victims and their families.
- Organize a emergency training for your community, check out these FEMA resources.
- Assist preparing their homes for winter months. Here are some tips from the Department of Energy on saving energy in the fall and winter, and steps you can take to make sure you and your neighbors are ready for colder weather.
- Join with an organization that serves senior citizens to help install safety bars in bathrooms, build a wheelchair ramp, or make minor repairs that eliminate a safety hazard.
- Partner with your local fire department to install smoke alarms in neighborhoods with the highest incidence of home fires
- Utilize these 9/11 Day Lesson Plans in your classroom.