The Backpack Buddies project led by the Dan River Year AmeriCorps Program and God's Storehouse was created to help the Malcom Huckabee Backpacks Program reach more children in need of weekend and school break meals. With help from the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation Youth Grant, they hope to fill at least 100 backpacks to help hungry students in the Danville/Martinsville community get nutritious meals and spread the word about local food insecurity! How can you help?
Give monetary donations or food to support the program! It costs approximately $5.86 to fill each bag and 237 children currently receive backpacks on a weekly basis. Four elementary schools are served by God's Storehouse and local churches but we want to help the program expand!
Find out how to donate items and monetary donations.
Volunteers are need to help on
April 20 at God's Storehouse (750 Memorial Drive, Danville, VA 24543) from
3-5 pm to help decorate and stuff 100 backpacks for students. Bring friends and RSVP to our Facebook event! If you can't come out on the day, volunteer at God's Storehouse throughout the year!
Sign up to volunteer!
Food insecurity in Danville is 21.2% and 39% of children in our community receive SNAP benefits. This year 95% of students in Danville Public Schools qualify for free or reduced lunch. We need your help to tell others about the Malcom Huckabee Backpacks Program, food insecurity, and healthy food options!