Do you have an area of expertise you'd love to share at the 2022 Virginia Volunteerism Summit? We want to hear from you! We still have session openings for Day 2 of our event, 9am-3pm, May 5th, 2022. Expected attendance for the trainings is anticipated to be between 400-500 people. The theme for the 2022 event is “Serving Together to Build Strong Communities”. Conference speakers will inspire and motivate participants to think about how we, as a sector and as individuals, can shape the future for volunteers, nonprofit and service organizations, and for our local communities.
Submit a Proposal:
About the Summit
The purpose of the Virginia Volunteerism Summit is to encourage and equip organizations and individuals to make a difference in their communities. The 2022 Summit will empower stakeholders through engaging in powerful conversations about service and volunteerism. On the first day of the 2022 Virginia Volunteerism Summit, participants will hear from inspiring, nationally-known speakers about the impact and future of service and volunteerism, as well as the 2022-2024 Virginia State Service Plan.
On the second day, there will be a full schedule of “masterclass” sessions, or workshops, to build skills, learn new ideas, and make connections with other leaders in service and volunteerism. The sessions will provide practical tools while facilitating thoughtful discussions and dialogue for the primary audiences. Please see below for information on submitting a proposal for a session.
Target Audience
The primary audiences for this event are:
Virginia Volunteerism Summit Outcomes
During this event, we hope to do the following:
During the trainings, we hope our participants leave with:
Masterclass Session Format and Presenter Details
All sessions will be presented in a virtual format during a 60-minute session time block. Presenters will use the Zoom platform, integrated through our Cvent event platform, to present their session. Presenters will provide training to approximately 30-75 participants in a specific breakout room. Sessions should 1) present information and 2) build specific skills by giving the participants an opportunity to practice the concepts presented.
Session Topics
Proposals that address additional topics will be considered; however, during the selection process, priority will be given to proposals that address the below list of topics. Regardless of the topic, all presentations should focus on providing practical tools and information that attendees can act on and implement in their own programs/organizations.
Presenters should include a hands-on component for participants to practice what they are learning in some interactive way: individual, small group, or large group activities; discussion; games; reflection; worksheets; panel discussion, etc. We encourage presenters to allow time for audience questions and answers.
Participants who attend these sessions will have varied levels of experience. Proposals that address experienced and advanced levels are strongly encouraged. Proposals should specifically identify the targeted Level of Instruction for the audience:
How do I submit a proposal?
Proposal forms must be submitted via the online form available here:
If you have any questions or concerns about the Proposal Form, please contact Analise Adams,
What is the submission deadline?
All proposals must be submitted online by Monday, January 31, 2022 at midnight ET to be considered for the 2022 Virginia Volunteerism Summit.
How will proposals be selected?
Proposals will be reviewed by the Summit Planning Committee and selected based on the following criteria:
When and how will I know if I have been selected?
Presenters will be notified by email in early March. Presenters will be required to submit presentation materials for posting 2 weeks in advance of the event. Please do not register for the event until you have been notified about your selection for presenting, as presenters will be provided specific registration instructions.
If I am selected, what are the next steps?
Presenter selections will be made by the committee in late February, and notifications sent out early March. When notified for selection, presenters will be provided with instructions on how to register for the event and due dates for presentation materials, next steps to upload information to the event platform, and other event details. All information will be emailed to the lead presenter who is responsible for sharing with the co-presenters, if applicable.
What costs will be paid to me as a presenter?
There will be no monetary compensation for presented sessions. All presenters will receive a complimentary registration to the full event, and technical assistance in presenting during their session. For questions about sponsorships, etc. please contact Analise Adams (
For questions related to this call for proposals, please contact Analise Adams,
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