Session Format:
All of the workshops will be 90 minutes in length. Breakout rooms typically hold 50-60 people. Presenters should understand that the participants who attend this conference have varied levels of experience. As such, your proposals should identify the targeted level of instruction. Each workshop room will provide the option of using overhead slides, though we encourage presenters to include opportunities for group interaction.
Suggested Workshop Topics:
Fund Development: developing a fundraising plan, grant writing, special event planning, corporate engagement, marketing
Volunteer Management: recruiting and retaining volunteers, corporate volunteer engagement, data management systems, Service Enterprise Initiative, project planning, current trends in volunteerism and civic engagement
Organizational Capacity Building: board development, diversity and cultural awareness, employee engagement, succession planning, risk management, engagement of community groups, outcomes and data management, effective social media
Personal and Professional Development: facilitation techniques, leadership skills, self-defense and personal awareness, mindfulness, networking and communication tips
Be Creative!