Al!ve Volunteer Management Capacity
A study of volunteer management practices and the readiness of nonprofit organizations to take on more volunteers
AmeriCorps Volunteering & Civic Life Statistics
Every two years, AmeriCorps produces comprehensive research about civic engagement trends in the U.S.
Center for Nonprofit Excellence 2023 Virginia Nonprofit Sector Report
A comprehensive study of the sector that provides baseline data and a snapshot of the nonprofit sector in Virginia
Fidelity Charitable Report
Report on the roles of financial and volunteer support in philanthropy
Greater Richmond Association for Volunteer Administration
Promotes excellence in the management and leadership of volunteers in the Greater Richmond area through professional development, networking and advocacy
Independent Sector Value of Volunteer Time
Current estimated national value of each volunteer hour plus national and state-by-state data on volunteer hours
Local Civic Health: A Guide to Building Community and Bridging Divides
A guide for mapping and evaluating how local spaces build or discourage community, and collecting and analyzing data about civic health
Mapping Civic Measurement
A landscape review of existing resources (research projects, assessments, frameworks) to identify tools that can improve our constitutional democracy
Nonprofit Resource Center from the Community Foundation for a greater Richmond
Offers a variety of capacity-building opportunities, resources, grantmaking, and events for organizations in the nonprofit sector
PACE – Civic Langauge Perceptions Project
Insight into peoples’ perceptions of the language associated with civic engagement and democracy work