Privacy Policy
It is the policy of the Office on Volunteerism and Community Services (OVCS) that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; that citizens shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine their personal records which are maintained by a public body.
Personal Information
OVCS does not require you to provide any personal information when using its Web site(s). In the event that you request information from us, it may be necessary for you to provide enough information to process your request.
OVCS uses cookies for various dynamic and interactive sections of our Web site(s). Cookies placed on your computer are only utilized to provide user-specific session based transactions such as member registration and log-in. We do not save any personal information about you or your visit on your computer.
Information from E-mail You Send to Us
If you decide to send us an electronic mail message (e-mail), the message will usually contain your return e-mail address. If you include personally-identifying information in your e-mail because you want us to address issues specific to your situation, we may use that information in responding to your request. Sometimes we forward your e-mail to our constituents that may be better able to help you or answer your question. We do not distribute lists of e-mail addresses to any parties outside of OVCS and its support agencies. Except as required by law, we do not share our e-mail with any other outside organizations.
E-mail inquiries sent to the Office on Volunteerism and Community Services are not secure or confidential.
Information Collected from Interactive Forms
Various Web pages on’s domain offer interactive forms that let you voluntarily submit personal information (such as your e-mail address, name, and address). This occurs when you are requesting information, submitting article comments, or registering for various conferences, events, or training sessions offered by the Office on Volunteerism and Community Services or other organizations. All submitted information is used only for the expressed purposes for which it is intended and is not made available to any third party.
Tracking Movement through the Web site
The Web site may record some non-personal information during your visit. If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the Web site, read pages, or download information, our Web site’s server may automatically record some general information about your visit.
During your visit, our Web site’s server may record:
- The Internet domain for your Internet service, such as “” or “” if you use a private Internet access account, or “” if you connect from a college or university domain and IP address (a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the web) from which you access our site.
- The type and version of browser (such as “Netscape version X” or “Internet Explorer version X”) that you use and the type of operating system you use (such as Macintosh, Unix, or Windows).
- The date and time you visit our site, and the Web pages that you visit on our site.
- The address of the previous Web site you were visiting, if clicked through to us from another Web site.
We use this information for statistical analysis, to help us make our site more useful to visitors. This information is only used internally, does not record information about individuals, and will only be used for internal management purposes.
Links to Other Sites
OVCS provides links to Web sites that are not controlled, maintained, or regulated by the Office on Volunteerism and Community Services. As such, OVCS is not responsible for the content of those Web sites. Use of information obtained from those Web sites is voluntary, and reliance on that information should only be undertaken after an independent review of its accuracy. Reference at those Web sites to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by OVCS.
Other sites may store cookies on your PC, collect data, or solicit personal information. The privacy policies and procedures described here do not apply to any external links. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any site you link to from ours, especially if you share any personal information.