About Serve Virginia
Serve Virginia aspires to build a culture of service and volunteerism in all corners of the Commonwealth by inspiring individuals and organizations to engage, connecting them with the resources they need to make a difference and celebrating the tremendous impacts we make together.

Our Purpose is to Convene, Connect and Mobilize
We believe in the power of service and volunteerism to spark change, strengthen lives and produce lasting impacts for communities throughout Virginia. We act on this belief by collaboratively setting statewide priorities, serving as catalysts for our network of partners, cultivating a sustainable infrastructure for all to engage in service and volunteerism and developing resources for the Commonwealth.
Serve Virginia represents a more intentional partnership between the Virginia Service Commission, which operates within the Virginia Department of Social Services as the lead agency for volunteerism and service for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Virginia Service Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 organization.
In addition to overseeing the annual grant competition that awards funding to AmeriCorps State and other community service programs, Serve Virginia actively works to determine community needs, set policy and program priorities, provide training and assistance, support national days of service and actively recognize individuals and organizations for their contributions within their communities.

State Service Plan
In 2022, Serve Virginia launched a sweeping new three-year roadmap for strengthening Virginia’s communities through service, volunteerism and civic engagement. We invite you to learn more and join us!
The Virginia Service Foundation
Serve Virginia is supported by the Virginia Service Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 organization, which works to support the initiatives of the Governor’s Advisory Board on Service and Volunteerism and partners with the Virginia Volunteer Center Network and other aligned organizations.

Virginia AmeriCorps
You can find AmeriCorps members hard at work strengthening organizations and communities throughout Virginia. Learn more about what they do and how you can be a part of this nationwide network of individuals dedicated to meeting our most pressing challenges.

The Serve Virginia Team
Our staff works to promote volunteerism, national service, and community support programs in the Commonwealth by working with AmeriCorps grantees on successful implementation of community projects and serving as an at-the-ready resource for any individual or organization looking to get involved.

Governor’s Advisory Board on Service & Volunteerism
Representing various professional, political, geographic, ethnic and business backgrounds, this board of Governor-appointed representatives advises the Governor and Cabinet Secretaries on national and community services issues and helps direct the work of Serve Virginia’s staff.
Serve Virginia News & Events

Serve Virginia Partner Toolkit
We’re proud to connect individuals and organizations with each other — and with the tools they need to make a difference in their communities. Whether you’re looking for ways to give back, guidance on how to start a new program or ways to boost your organizational capacity, we’ll point you in the right direction.
What’s Your Volunteer Personality?
Pair your passion with purpose. Take our Volunteer Personality Quiz and find out which volunteer direction is best for you.