
Claudia Ramirez Cuéllar

Story of Service: Claudia Ramirez Cuéllar

AmeriCorps member Claudia Ramirez Cuéllar currently serves at Aspire Afterschool Learning as the Parent Coordinator in the AmeriCorps Learning Links program. In her role, Claudia connects with the parents of Aspire students to share student progress, successes, and challenges. She greets parents as they pick up their students and communicates regularly through phone calls and text messages. She also organizes monthly talks for parents on relevant topics, such as how to read report cards, how parent-teacher conferences work, keeping children safe on the internet, and advice surrounding mental health for the parents and children. As a result of her proactive...
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William Giswold

Story of Service: William Giswold

AmeriCorps VISTA Member of the Year William Griswold, Community Services Block Grant - CAPUP, Richmond In just a short time serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA with CAPUP, Will has shown a strong talent for developing community relationships. As a long-overdue needs assessment was just kicking off, Will worked to develop critical relationships with local educational institutions by recruiting students to assist with the process. He was involved in all aspects of the effort – managing and motivating volunteers and reaching out to key players in the community. Will’s successes were pivotal to the effectiveness of the needs assessment, which will ultimately...
RICKETTSFRAN10131--C-CAP Director Fran Ricketts 10/24/2013 MATT ARMSTRONG PHOTO

Andrew Richards

Story of Service: Andrew Richards

Andrew Richards, Virginia Service and Conservation Corps National Service Alum of the Year Andrew Richards served from 2017-18 as a Resource Crew Leader with the Virginia Service and Conservation Corps AmeriCorps program at Hungry Mother State Park in Marion. He and his team served by battling invasive species conducting prescribed burns, applying herbicides/pesticides, and maintaining trails. Andrew also participated in various restoration projects throughout the region, including helping to restore native species habitat and completing a new trail for the Virginia State Parks system. He led his crew by adopting modern technology and introducing new methods of data tracking and...
RICKETTSFRAN10131--C-CAP Director Fran Ricketts 10/24/2013 MATT ARMSTRONG PHOTO

Edward L. Weiner Esq.

Story of Service: Edward L. Weiner Esq.

Congratulations to Edward L. Weiner Esq. - winner of the 2020 Governor's Volunteerism and Community Service Award for Outstanding Senior Volunteer! Attorney Ed Weiner has combined his love for jazz and justice to raise much-needed revenue for music scholarships at George Mason University and for and supporting civil legal aid. Ed, who previously served as the past president of the Virginia State Bar and Fairfax Bar and presides over a highly successful annual Law Day event entitled “Weiner Roasts,” developed a special concert event and formed a nonprofit, Jazz4Justice, which has been replicated both within Virginia and across the country....

Rachel Haines

Story of Service: Rachel Haines

Rachel Haines
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Carolyn Kruger

Story of Service: Carolyn Kruger

Carolyn Kruger, a nurse from Purcellville,  VA, recently received an award from Project HOPE for her outstanding dedication to service. Kruger volunteered 1,200 hours to Project HOPE in 2018, working at HOPE’s headquarters and in Sierra Leone developing a maternal child health program. Founded in 1958, Project HOPE is a leader in global health and humanitarian relief programs. An international nonprofit organization, we are committed to transforming lives and uplifting communities by empowering health-care workers to teach and deliver innovative, lifesaving solutions, every day and in times of crisis. With programs in nearly 30 countries, we work at the epicenter of...

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