Deb Farrar

Debbie Farrar

Story of Service: Debbie Farrar

Debbie Farrar is a retired police officer and has also been a group exercise instructor for most of her adult life. As a volunteer, she currently teaches SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life), an evidence-based fall prevention program centered around a strength, balance and fitness program for adults 65 and older. Debbie recalls, "I heard about SAIL from a friend of mine who is in her 70s and asked Loudoun County’s Cascades Senior Center about it. I went through teacher training in 2023 and have been teaching ever since. The program lasts for 12 weeks. I have a student...
RICKETTSFRAN10131--C-CAP Director Fran Ricketts 10/24/2013 MATT ARMSTRONG PHOTO

Doug Monaco

Story of Service: Doug Monaco

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has named Doug Monaco of Prince William County as Volunteer Fire Fighter of the Year. Monaco is one of several recipients of the 2020 Governor’s Fire Service Awards, who were recognized at an awards ceremony last month.  Chief Monaco, with the Little Fork Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company, has dedicated the past 48 years of his life to Virginia volunteer and professional fire and rescue services. This includes service both in volunteer companies and a 32-year career as a paid member of the Prince William County Fire and Rescue system where he retired at the rank...

Mitzi Coles

Story of Service: Mitzi Coles

Mitzi Coles recently completed two service terms and is beginning her third term as an AmeriCorps member at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR), within their Dan River Year AmeriCorps program, which is dedicated to addressing community needs in Southern Virginia. Dan River Year AmeriCorps members build capacity in the region, strengthen community involvement, and address pressing needs through their focus on building the region’s science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and literacy capacity.   When Mitzi first joined the Dan River Year AmeriCorps program, it was a big adjustment. She recalls, "My first AmeriCorps term was very...

Karen Cullen

Story of Service: Karen Cullen

Karen Cullen has served Virginians for many years, professionally through her career in social services and by her prolific lifelong community service efforts. Since 2014, Karen can most often be found serving alongside other volunteers as the Food Pantry Director at Three Chopt Presbyterian Church. Under her leadership, the food pantry has gone from serving 25 families to 3,055 individuals each month. This dramatic increase is a direct result of Karen’s hard work, both in building capacity despite shrinking budgets and increasing need, as well as her commitment to inspire, mobilize, and support an entire community of volunteers. Karen’s innovative...

Bruce Lamond

Story of Service: Bruce Lamond

Bruce Lamond is a second-year Virginia College Advising Corps adviser at Mecklenburg County High School, which just opened in 2022. He served in the Marine Corps for several years before graduating from the University of Virginia in 2022. During his military service, Bruce became passionate about youth mentorship, prompting him to pursue a degree in Youth and Social Innovation and to step into several student support roles at UVA. “I learned about AmeriCorps and VCAC in my senior year of college when an assistant director of VCAC presented on the program in one of my classes,” recalls Bruce. “As soon...

Ashley Coulson

Story of Service: Ashley Coulson

As a recent high school graduate and 2024 Governor's Volunteerism & Community Service Award honoree, Ashley Coulson has been a dedicated volunteer in Y Street, the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth's youth-led statewide initiative, where she served 115 service hours in the past year. She helped lead the program's Share the Air campaign, working towards tobacco-free and e-cigarette-free parks, playgrounds, beaches, and trails across the Commonwealth. Her service included organizing booths at community events, gauging Virginians' attitudes toward tobacco-free outdoor policies, and meeting with elected officials and community leaders. Ashley also served on the Y Street Leadership Team for three consecutive...

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